Multiple-choice tests are used to assess students' knowledge quickly and accurately. They are an effective tool in electronic testing to measure a student's level in a particular subject.

Multiple-choice tests can be added by selecting the question type "Multiple-choice question," then writing the question with the possible options and specifying the correct answer within the system.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR) technology helps correct tests quickly and accurately by allowing students to shade the correct answer on the answer sheet, and the system automatically analyzes the answers.

After students shade the correct answers on the answer sheet using a pencil, the sheet is scanned, and the answers are analyzed using advanced software to provide automated correction.

The advantages of OMR technology include speeding up the correction process, ensuring 100% accuracy in correction, and providing immediate results with detailed analytical reports on students' performance.

The developed automated correction program improves correction by fully automating the process, reducing human effort, and increasing the accuracy of the results.

Yes, more than 3000 forms can be corrected in less than 60 minutes, saving time and allowing teachers to interact with students more quickly.

The main benefits include 0% error in correction, speeding up the correction process, reducing costs, and providing comprehensive analytical reports on students' results.

The program provides detailed reports on students' performance, including questions that were difficult for students, helping teachers identify areas that need improvement.

Yes, the program offers multi-channel technical support (such as phone, email, and WhatsApp) around the clock to ensure the best service for users.